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Pi Day Princeton

Once a year, celebrate Pi Day & Einstein's Birthday in Princeton ....... certifiable genius country!

Quick Details


Please provide estimated # of digits!

$ 3.14


This is a crowd pleaser so please arrive promptly!

$ 3.14


This is just so we know if anyone is planning on competing for both!

$ 3.14

Pi Day Princeton & Einstein’s Birthday Celebration  2025 will be more fun than ever!

Einstein was born on March 14 — 3.14 — the numeric equivalent of Pi! Every year, the town of Princeton celebrates with an irrational number of events, including an Einstein Look-a-Like & Pi Recitation contest and pie sampling experience!

  • Pi Recitation Winner receives $314.15!  (10yrs and younger)
  • Look A Like Winner receive $314.15!  (10yrs and younger)
  • Pie Eating Contest
  • LiLLiPies Pie Flight Tasting Experience 
  • Pi Day & Einstein Pub Crawl (21yrs and older)
  • Dinky Train Rides with Albert Einstein!
  • Book the Einstein Suite at the Nassau Inn

There’s even a Pi-Rade, story time and book signings, and more! 

Princeton is honored to host the world to celebrate our most beloved Princeton genius!

Follow us on social media or email us for locations for each official event!

Event Partners

Princeton Tour Company, Princeton Public Library, Bill Agress, Jeff Bross, LilliPies, McCaffrey’s, the bent spoon, Princeton Shopping Center, Historical Society of Princeton, Princeton University, Conte’s Pizza, Jules, D’Angelo, Ivy Inn, Jules, Nomad Pizza, Proof Pizza, Nassau Inn, The Graduate Hotel, The Peacock Inn  & Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber & Princeton Convention Visitors Bureau

*best photos are by Jeff Bross

Pi Recitation & Einstein Look A Like Registrations – $3.14 per contestant | Guarantees participation in Pi Recitation competition (10yrs and younger) | Guarantees participation in the Einstein Look A Like competition (10yrs and younger) |Winner of Pi Recitation contest receives $314.15 | Winner of Einstein Look A Like competition receives $314.15

Most events are free and located in downtown Princeton or Princeton Shopping Center. We recommend arriving early to guarantee participation; however, the purchase of contestant registration guarantees participation to compete in contests.

2025 Pi Day Celebration Schedule 

Friday – 3.14.25 – PI DAY

  •  All Day –  PSGC Fundraiser – the bent spoon & LiLLiPies celebration ice cream –   the bent spoon  
  •  All Day –   Pizza Pie Lunch in Princeton with complimentary self guided tour – Conte’s , D’Angelo, Ivy Inn, Jules, Proof, Nomad Pizza Dine in and receive our complimentary Self Guided Einstein Tour Map
  •   1:59 p.m.  Pi Day Matinee  – Princeton Public Library 
  •   3:14 p.m.  Einstein Open Archive with Historical Society  – Princeton Public Library 
  •   7:00 p.m.   Pi Day & Einstein Birthday Party Pub Crawl (21yrs and older)

Saturday – 3.15.25

  • All Day    PSGC Fundraiser – the bent spoon & LiLLiPies celebration ice cream – the bent spoon
  • All Day –   Pizza Pie Lunch in Princeton with complimentary self guided tour – Conte’s , D’Angelo, Ivy Inn, Jules, Proof, Nomad Pizza Dine in and receive our Self Guided Einstein Tour Map
  •  8:00  a.m.  LiLLiPIES Pie Flight Experience Princeton Shopping Center (Pi priced thru 2:00 p.m.) 
  •  9:00 a.m.   Pie Eating Contest McCaffrey’s at Princeton Shopping Center (limited to first 40 folks)
  • 11:00 a.m.   Einstein Look-A-Like Contest Princeton Public Library  – community room
  • 12:00 p.m.  Pi Recitation Contest – Princeton Public Library (Pi-Rade immediately follows)
  •   2:00 p.m.  Einstein Story Time with the Historical Society of Princeton Princeton Public Library 
  •   3:14 p.m.   Dinky Train Rides with Albert Einstein (meet at Wawa Station – Bill Agress is our famous reenactor)

Join us on Facebook and Instagram to follow along in a day’s worth of online irrational fun, including previous years’ contests, tours, video lectures, & more!  
